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2024-12-17 14:16:51
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Reports a 66% Increase in the Use of Artificial Intelligence
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has released its 2024 AI usage report, revealing that the number of AI application cases has increased by approximately 66% compared to last year. Steven Posnack, the HHS Deputy Chief Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy and the Chief Deputy National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, emphasized in the report that the department's AI use cases have risen from 163 to 271, noting that these cases are at various stages of development. The new figures include applications in operational maintenance, procurement, and development, along with 16 additional cases.
2023-12-13 14:40:35
US Federal Agencies Proposed 1,200 AI Use Cases, Only a Few Implemented
Government agencies see many possibilities for using AI tools in their daily work, but in reality, only a small portion are put into practice. The GAO found that 20 non-defense agencies identified over 1,200 use cases within the government, but they have only implemented about 16% of those AI use cases. AI poses risks to the public, such as producing biased outcomes that could 'amplify existing inequalities', especially among historically underserved populations. For the 2023 fiscal year, federal agencies requested $1.8 billion in funding for non-defense AI research.